Team Troubles


In this article, I want to contine talking about our Robot.

Due to my recent frustration with the programming side of the robot, I decided that I would be of more help assisting my other 2 teammates by assembeling parts etc. This seemed to work out for a while, although due to frequent design changes and uncertainties about what to do next I was often left sitting on the side, not really being able to help out. This wasn’t especiallly aided by one of my teammates being suspended from the school for multiple weeks, due to reasons I won’t elaborate on.

During those 2 weeks we started out by building the flywheel [Pictures to be added] and then my teammate Hailey decided to change up the design of the robot, therefore having to take apart most of our previously working intake. In theory we are planning on switching that one out again, once our flexwheels arrive, which probably will still take a while.

Once my teammate Erica returned to the Team we made the robot thinner, therefore shedding some weight and making the intake work better, but now there seem to be troubles in between Erica and Hailey so we are stagnating again.

This is all for this post, due to the recent slow downs, I hope you still enjoyed reading up on our progress and see you again for the next status update.

[ Illustrations by unDraw, modified by me ]